Sunday, January 04, 2015

A recurrent theme.

    Man made clocks reset and a celestial body on which we/life thrives, completes a rotation of its God, the Sun. A God that gives and takes life, plots and demands a spiral path with gravity, but remains completely oblivious to earth dweller's behavior and their incandescent scream for calmness and swift justice. Veering back to the main theme, we should revel in our successes and study our failures in retrospect, to identify how we have grown, stymied others and above all prepare ourselves for the next cycle.

    It's only the clock's that reset, but we carry all the accumulated baggage from the previous cycle. We as humans with a humongous memory, will never forget anything that either put us down or anything that is a cause for ridicule to others. The act is always replaced in priority, but never forgotten. It's in our innate nature to keep ourself occupied by others success/failure, than how else are we to say; we did better than last year(cycle)? It's only by comparison that we achieve this sweet joy or sour bitterness of the truth, that what we have done in the past year was either foolish, or one of the greatest effects that we will linger on, in our stories of yester years.

    It's our greed/laziness, an human quality to have it all, helped to propel us from stones to silicon. But greed is a good motivator, as long as it does NOT depend on destroying an other artifact for it's success, but rather replace it, cause it's just better.

    It's sad thought to think back and realize nothing pops up, to either learn from or revel in. We have just spent an entire year breathing, staying at the same level in the grand scale that we want measure our selves. Should we call ourselves a failure or just being content with what we have, or is it that, we have already achieved, what we had set out to achieve, as defined for us from the day we set out of our mother's womb?

    Maybe... it's booze that frees my mind to talk about all this fracas and maybe it's only pertinent to that line of thought. Fill up your cups and drink to the future, since that's the only path, that we have control off to a certain extent; everything else is more of a puzzle, that you try to understand and either use it to your advantage, or just ignore it and feel the loss of an opportunity.

    The archaic music, that filled my ear lobes complete, it's time for me to bid adieu to 2014 and welcome 2015, not with a wish that it brings in joy and success, but with a request that I, me not just standup to the challenges put forth, but mould 2015 to the way that I intend it to be, for me, my family and friends.

Happy 2015!!!