Thursday, August 05, 2010

Two years in US!!

Hmmm.... It has been two years since I have been in US to pursue my goal of finishing my Masters.Though not complete yet, but surely closer than I was two years ago :)( True that is a step forward, HURRAY for me!!). It has been a choppy ride so far... which has made my stay really interesting in retrospect. Made a lot of new friends... learnt some stuff...did some stuff...regret doing some stuff...continued the cherished tradition of boozing with fnds...watched a lot of movies...played a lot of FPS & strategy games...tried going to gym & failed... and did minuscule amount of Thesis work. Pretty much sums up my last two years.

It is the last mile that is always the most painful & rewarding, so here I am trying to finish my Master's Thesis. You must be wondering... as to why am I posting blogs when I should be working. Exactly my point even I am not able to comprehend that!

Back to work, Slaves( ma Neurons)!


Sunday, August 01, 2010

Thoughts to be put in Order...

Been dazing the stars for few weeks now. Have a shit load of work to do, especially my Thesis that needs to be completed for my MS Graduation. It is not that I have not been working, but results does not look positive... so trying/thinking hard to come with alternatives for the problem.

Hmmm... Research work seemed so exciting.. but it is not always though. Even if it concerns your area of interest. It involves a lot of patience and structured thought process. I bow my head to all Doctoral students... for their work and their patience.

Need motivation... Can I borrow some? :P Well doodling on my comp does not help.

Come on.... I want to graduate!!!,I think this should be motivation enough? Don't you think...?
