Sunday, May 18, 2008


How old r u ?that is like,one of the worst questions you can ask anyone!!
That is exactly,people greater than 30 told me.I was like 18 or something looking
forward in my life at that time.Now I am like 25 and I have started dreading those words.

I am not superficial but there is only one thing that bothers me,due to ageing.
I am running out of time.I have plans to do a lot of stuff in my life and I have not
even started the first job on the list.The problem,is that I keep forgetting the list :(

We know,for sure that there is a full stop in our lives and that seems to be approaching like a big red sign becoming bigger and bigger as sun sets & rises,like a freight train with out brakes!!

Procrastination seems to be my lingo...What should I do?Should I pray?Should I shrug it of as just a rambling from the deepest,unexplored part of my brain,or should I fear it?


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