Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Cowardice to my heart!

Back in India,while I was working, me and my fnd went out for booze and dinner after work about 12AM.It had been a hectic week at the office and we needed to chill out so we hung out and while we were having dinner inside the restaurant a person comes to me and says ,I have two rupees and I need one more rupee to buy a cup of coffee."I want one rupee", This is what he said.Me as usual got pissed whenever someone commanded me without authority and said "no change with me" so told him to buzz off. He just left the remaining two rupees on the table and sat in the next table.My fnd said don't look at him,cos if u interact they would try to exacerbate the situation.After a few verbal arguments ,my fnd turned around and asked him what is that he wants?

He explains that he has not eaten for the entire day and all he needs is one rupee for the coffee to fill his stomach.My fnd buys him a full dinner. I did not expect it turn like this.My fnd by doing this makes him content may be for that day but he would surely remember that for the rest of his life.

Now,Why was I acting like that? Was it my ego? or my cowardice not to get involved in anything that I cannot control or comprehend ? Now recollecting on those events make me realize the coward that I am. This is not about the testosterone running with my blood ,it is about the emotional state of my mind,fragile,ignorant and unwilling to break from routine of the world around me.Given a chance I would like to correct that acts of cowardice on my part.

Bravo my fnd,you stand as an argument for my change!


1 comment:

sylviadan said...

Hmmm .... I wonder if this would happen to me, I wouldn't react differently from you. With that one rupee he can get a coffee and will his stomach for one day, but what about the next day ?? Another rupee for another coffee ? I feel this is just spoiling these people. They have stopped thinking about searching for a livelihood... They are programmed to beg. Sad. In my opinion, courage would be to get this guy a job. And sadly again, I may not have that courage :(