Sunday, August 21, 2011

LokPal Bill?

Unless you have decided to shut yourself from the realm called "daily life", you would have heard about the term "LokPal Bill". Information regarding this is being force fed into every Indian, even via Social Networking. So lazy as that I am ,finally decided to catch up on this bill and referred to Wiki; my true source of correct information[1] :D .

My immediate reaction is, "An enforcing authority is truly incorruptible, only if it is not human!!". The only way to minimize corruption, is to address the roots of the issue. I say minimize, cause it is not possible to eradicate corruption. It is in human nature to subvert laws of the land and improvise on a shortcut to achieve their goal. Else we would not have invented machines or anything for that matter and sat on our lazy asses all day.

Corruption stems from the existence of a rich & poor divide. A Government official asks for a bribe, not cause he is addicted to it, at least not the majority. He wants to lead a life that he only can fantasizes with his income. Pay back the loans he had taken to bribe his predecessor, to obtain this position? Take care of the illness that strikes his mom, which the insurance company does not cover.

Instead of finding fault and improvising ways to enforce new laws on the present system; try to ensure only apt personnel are selected for the various Civil services.

Why can't we just ensure that the selection process for Ministers is scrutinized to avoid corrupt landlords, contractors, village elders, humans and so... to be elected as MLA or MP's. Why can't we enforce systems that reduces unemployment? Why can't we teach the poor to feed themselves? Why don't we make all existing government processes to be transparent and make them publish their

Why do we need another department to take care of this corruption? Who will fund this? Tax-payers? Will it scale to the populace of India? So who then watches over these members? Another commission? Well, enough with my questions.

My take on this; Just another system that will look good and shiny, until it starts to rust. Don't talk about this system working in other countries, cos this is not another country, this is India... a monster on its own.

LokPal can help to remove corruption that is prevalent now, but not an effective system to minimize corruption for the long haul.


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