I actually need a reply for this question and especialy girls can actually help me out,or to be accurate help my friend out.(seriously....).Anyway my fnd like a girl in his office,with whom,he is able to put forth carefully constructed phrases prepared day's in advance.I think u wud understand now,the situ!!Anyway he wants to get the girls phone number,but doesn't seem to get the guts,or the motivation to do the same,cos he thinks that he might destroy something that they have if he moves fast on this relationship.
well the relationshiop bw them is like,that he smiles and she smiles back at him.if he does not go to any team outing,then she comes and ask him,why he did notcome.Well i think she does call him for coffee also( i mean the literal value here!!!)
SO how does he try to get the phone number! any ideas wud be helpful here or to be acccurate to my fnd :)
I believe sharing phone numbers shud happen only when both persons are comfortable (emotionally) with each other. When you make her/him comfortable/relaxed in your presence, the next step automatically WILL follow. (now is this a dumb dialog or what? )
well I can't comment on that.Let me c results of the same after i inform my fnd.
I hope i don't get beat up,b cos i gave this advice.I will surely mark a disclaimer.I am the mediator here :)
Now this IS self-screwing I think ;-)
well,I wud not be too much bothered
cos he will not be able to beat me up.
I am much bigger and stonger.i am a complan man :)
just kiddin....
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