Sunday, June 24, 2007

Almost Famous??

Have you ever wondered,or thought about becoming a movie star,a singer,hell yeah a famous racer bike or I would prefer bikes.Does it hurt to dream like that.One thing is for sure,for every action,there is always a reaction,this does not confine to the realm of science alone.This is applicable to all matters of life.I am telling you this from my own experience.

One cannot aim to be always on an upward gradient,cos u have to stop,once u reach the top.And there is only one possible way to move from there,down ,gravity pulling you with all its strength.The other possible option to maintain at that height and it is really tough...

My school teacher used to say " it is not difficult to get 100 once in a while ,but it is really tough to maintain that 100 in all the tests." Now that is hard don't get that by working for three hours just before the test.That is laborious work.I have understood,only one thing from here years of experience,living as a person.most of my fnds would disagree on that.Working Hard does not mean that you get your desires on a silver platter,but it is that you might get the thing that you desire.Again "might".But it wud make you feel happy,since you would know,that you had put all your effort to attain the same.

Nothing beats hard work in that respect!!


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