Friday, September 14, 2007


I have been reading a lot about China,nowadays.The huge blow to its export in toys,due to lead found in the paint used on toys,and the collapse of some of the bridges,killing a lot of the people.

Adding more to that news,is the recent high power curtail on what the media can report!Check out the BBC article on this .It is pretty astounding that all major media players came up with the same headlines,accurate upto the location of the images.

Man oh Man,if this ain't dictatorship,I du not understand what is?Freedom of speech is our right,and it does not matter,on which soil we are born.We take it for granted,but some pay a very high price ,even their life for that right!!

Even the internet,where homeless roam free,are being targetted.They have the firewalls set,up in such a way that any one accessing any of the sites,that offend the chinese party or the government,or even the previous horrific,brutal history,they are blocked.

History is supposed to teach us,as how to live our future.We are not supposed to shy away from our past!! That only leads us,to our denial.

Have to go to Work.C u guys later.


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