For no damn reason,today I am in reminiscence about my school days.Well this were my thoughts.I always used to fail like minimum two subjects for any given term.If you view my Report card,it would be easy to find failed subjects rather than the other.
Marked in Red underscores,my parents would have been really mad,that I did not study at all.Well to be frank,I really did not study,did not have a reason,to study also.A big bummer though.Must have been the class Bum.
Then the thoughts rumble towards my crushes,there were a lot.I think I was having crushes like morning coffee,some were intimidating though.But did not take a decision towards any relationship with any one of em,cos knew it was a complete waste of my time.Man did I have realization even at that age....
Nothin else came up from the memory archives.just failed subjects and crushes.Should I remember any thing else.People always say,the your school days are the hey days...But for me ,it was the college,cos for me the reason in college was pretty simple,don't worry about marks,but lay the foundation for your future.I did!!(learned how to think....)
I do not have any regrets,so I assume,that it must have been gud!! :)
I also remember the crush that I had in LKG .Do you believe that,I cud remember that.But also,I do remember the face of my teacher,who used to crack my knuckles for talking or playing pranks on others during class in LKG.
It has been fun,but life ain't like that forever,so need to hang on to the thread of determination and hard work ,to make my mark in the world and have fun at the same time.
Signing of ,as I listen to the song "The River" by Good Charlotte.Really good tune...
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