Friday, September 08, 2006

Caught in between

While browsing today's newspaper,I realized,that innocent muslims get caught in this new age war!
Browsing through today's pictures,taken at the recent blast in Maharastra,makes your heart bleed.Religious fanatics targetted a graveyard,to make their point,that destruction was the only way out.Even the dead are not spared.There is always a thought to associate these extremists to any group,which are visible,rather than hunting down these invisible enemies,who do not value human life,or the concept of living a life,worth some thing.
Should we punish an entire community for a selected few's treachorous act's.I view myself with my nation,rather than associating myself with any specific religion or caste.all religion preaches peace and love.only political cause,money and power can be attained by these means.

Also blaming the officials for all the bombings,or acts of terrorism,is absolute mistake.As one officer puts in "The terrorists needs to be correct only once,while the cops needs to be correct all the time".

i do not view any solution for this conflict,since man has already lost is innocence,which helped hime lead a peaceful life

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