Friday, November 17, 2006

Privacy on the search page?

The latest news from BBC,that US government is requesting for information from google regarding search details by its users ,has sent warnings bells in my head.not because,i am afraid ,that wat i am doing might be revealed to the world.It is more about the principles maintaining the privacy of our thoughts. mine specially.I like to have all my stuff,my thoughts and my action secretive,it send me shivers down my spine,thinking that some one actual knows,wat i do on my PC,even if i am deemed as not harmful.

Does this affect the will affect me for sure,cos it will make me think twice,before i enter a search string ,even though it might not be harmful.the goverment agencies always have a way of contorting facts to meet their requirements.Even an innocent search string can become a nail to your coffin.

will this affect the users from searching in the web for thier content?only time will tell.i assume that only when some one is caught or prosecuted,will the commoners on the net understand the ramifications of this request.Till then we need to wait and watch.It seems like a cat and mouse game,wherein we ain't jerry and cat[government] always get to win :(

Privacy seems like a thing of the past nowadays.previously,we needed only to guard ourselves against hackers ,now we need to guard ourselves against the government,elected by us to protect and help us,seems a bit ironic though.

We will have to wait and watch if google abides by this request or stands up and fights for its princples.


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