Friday, July 27, 2007

why Blush!!/Weaker Sex??

Why is it that guys,we always blush,when some one teases us,with a girl,whom we like.It does not have to be like "like like" but just like the girl.Even if they are valid friends.Does it have to do something with our Hormones,or our abstract heart,that seems to be the centre of attraction here.

Do the girls feel the same way? May be /May be not.We always hear that girls are more mature than guys of the same age.That is why we have the Indian custom of always marrying to younger girls,so the marraige could be Harmonious( no content overflow,Yeah rite!!).

Coming back to the point again,do girls feel the sameway,or is it that they do not show their feelings outwardly and we guys tend to be open hearted.They surely do not suppress their feelings.They are the first to burst out in tears after watching a emotional scene.

We say that women are the weaker sex,and yet still we cannot tell a lie and get away with it from them.A man be the boss of a billion dollar company,but is a servant before his wife.That is true to the bare bones...Wife of the boss is always called as the supreme commander!!.The abstract qualities always seem to overwhelm men... wat dumb idiots we are.

Personal experience,nothing can get past my mom!! for sure!!Is that bcos she is my mom ,or bcos she is a woman? My questions still remain unanswered??

Physical strengths matter only to an extent after which we need to totally rely on our emotional strength.And women seem to fair far more better than Men in that.


Saturday, July 21, 2007


Does our past really affect the future that we are trying to create?All our actions have consequences.If you believe in the maker,then your life has already been laid out with a plan and it undergoes implementation on a daily basis ,one chunk at a time.It is our lifetime's goal to understand,why our life was planned in this way.

This is exactly,what Matrix,talks about.Except the difference,that Matrix is a trilogy and I am talking about our life here.One of my friend says," life is what we make out of it".Does it mean we have choices? But we do not get always ,the things we want,even after putting all the effort.Then where is the choice part in that intricate equation?

I ain't a theologian,or a philosopher,but there is always a puppeteer and that is for certain.Some call it Fate,others "God's thougtful Hand" .

I don't seem to find the answer even within myself or for that matter from the external world either.I hope time will an answer for all my questions.


Sunday, July 15, 2007

Dukes of Hazzard( My Review)

Endala endala,that is a single phrase to define the action packed,crazy comedy of the film this is.Do you know that this was directed by an Indian named Jay chandrasekar(Hope I got his name right?) Man,this raucous comedy along with Konxville and Sean made this movie a must c for me.( I know,that I saw the movie really late like six months after release,but still,I saw it!! )

Jessica simpson,seemed to spice up the movie just enough to have the feminine/sexy touch on this.Pretty cool huh,thank God they did not try to overdo though.The movie theme is simple,two guys trying to save their county from the bad villains,who seem to own the law.Any normal person,would have tried a different approach,but for the Dukes,it ain't their way!

The story revolves around multiple roles ,which seem to be held in place correctly,by the superb direction and script.

If you like Bad Boyz I & II and Die Hard( all three parts,I am yet to see the 4.0),you have gotta see this movie.Awesome fun!!!


Saturday, July 14, 2007

Reasons to enjoy life

I Cannot believe,that I am writing this,but I have to do this .

Why do we have to live our life
* It is short,so make the best out of it
* Make hay while the sun shines,cos if you are capable of doing something,it is
now,or it is never!!
* Time and tide waits for no man/woman( I am not a sexist).Apportunities go by and
you may not have a second chance.
* Laugh and the whole world laughs with you,but when you cry,you cry alone.That is
the underlying basis of our society.Know that and you can survive anywere in the
world.u can take my word on that or learn from practical experience urself...:)
* Hard work always Payoff,that is what they say.....
( I am yet to get used to that first two words)

Things that have pain and happiness together

* Everything in this world is like that.....
It's like the matter and anti-matter,that formulates the basic theory behind
the creation of our universe.

* Heaven and Earth,Good and Evil,Happiness and Sadness,Up's and Down's :)

* My life graph nevers follows a specific path,it has its up's and down's like the one shown below

* *
Happiness * ************** * *
* * * * * ** *
* * * * * **** ***
------*----*--------------------*---------*----------------------*> Time
* * * * *
* * *****
Sadness **

The Graph based on my life seem pretty much ok,since my parents take care of me.
Shit will get real,once I move out of my parents house for real.It is going Hell for me!!
I ain't kiddin,cos I know,about me.Belive me when I say that....

Well you could share your experience here about your life,may be I can learn a few
things like .... etc
