Saturday, July 14, 2007

Reasons to enjoy life

I Cannot believe,that I am writing this,but I have to do this .

Why do we have to live our life
* It is short,so make the best out of it
* Make hay while the sun shines,cos if you are capable of doing something,it is
now,or it is never!!
* Time and tide waits for no man/woman( I am not a sexist).Apportunities go by and
you may not have a second chance.
* Laugh and the whole world laughs with you,but when you cry,you cry alone.That is
the underlying basis of our society.Know that and you can survive anywere in the
world.u can take my word on that or learn from practical experience urself...:)
* Hard work always Payoff,that is what they say.....
( I am yet to get used to that first two words)

Things that have pain and happiness together

* Everything in this world is like that.....
It's like the matter and anti-matter,that formulates the basic theory behind
the creation of our universe.

* Heaven and Earth,Good and Evil,Happiness and Sadness,Up's and Down's :)

* My life graph nevers follows a specific path,it has its up's and down's like the one shown below

* *
Happiness * ************** * *
* * * * * ** *
* * * * * **** ***
------*----*--------------------*---------*----------------------*> Time
* * * * *
* * *****
Sadness **

The Graph based on my life seem pretty much ok,since my parents take care of me.
Shit will get real,once I move out of my parents house for real.It is going Hell for me!!
I ain't kiddin,cos I know,about me.Belive me when I say that....

Well you could share your experience here about your life,may be I can learn a few
things like .... etc


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