Thursday, August 09, 2007

Load off u 'r Mind!!

When I started this blog,my friend said that I was toooo lazy to maintain even this.Truth be told,there are times that I am lazier than a donkey.But it seems that I like writing about abstract topics ,that evoke no meaning,but just occupy plain old space on my brain.It is good way of taking it off my mind,so I can think about other stuff..Phew takes a load of my chest right now!!!

Writing is a good remedy for those who think chaotically,It gives us a chance to show much required attention on important matters at hand,rather than focus on trivial thoughts.Some time I ramble ,so much here,that one my fnds had called me up and asked "Are you okay? cos your writing is like a drunk driving a lorry!!".

One even suggested yoga to get my thoughts in place,Yeah,like that is gonna help me.I don't like things to go slow,it has its up's and downs though!!!.So coming back to the topic in hand does writing help me to take a load of my mind.Yeah it Does!!!


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