The world is a changing place ,with situations,speeches and articles taken out of context to satisfy one's needs.pakistan and India,two arch rivals remebered the victims of the devasting earthqake that occurred one year back.Newspaper reported to have found that UN relief supplies have been provided to many terrorists organisations based in pakistan.An organisation achieves a status of reliability,only when it is able to deliver on its word and obtain the confidence of the locals.That is exactly ,happening now.The supplies were used to help people to gain their trust and now they have recruited a lot of youngsters to join the religious schools,some as distant as 100 miles from their homes.US and other western countries allege that these religious schools train religious fanatics.Now the irony is that ,money is siphoned from western countries to support these organisation indirectly and the west puts in more money later to suppress these camps.
Who needs to be blamed here for supporting terrorism here?unless everyone takes responsiblity for their actions,terrorism is to live in the world.
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