I am writing this as I allow my body to digest all the food that I have eaten during my lunch.
Today's lunch is different cos,my fnd had given a treat and it was fun.We cracked jokes and pulled each other legs.
It seems that my brain goes into eat mode,once it c's free food:) i know,u r also of the same genre.no need to look around ;) ,just kiddin!!
i can't think now,cos my brain ain't gettin any OXY,so gotta hav some coffee
post other details later.
Discrete thoughts
Facts of life
Music Videos
My Life
Public serivce announcement
Public service announcement
Sandy's Stupor
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Student Life
Touchy Subjects
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Why do we also associate ourselves with our work.Any where i go,people ask my name and my work comes next?why is that? are we defined by the work that we do? so if i don't land in a job that defines my character,hav i lost my character then?
This is some thing to do with Indians or is it like this all over the world?Some times,this is
irritating for the fact ,that even some times i tend to ask the same Q!!!
Work is not the life,but a part of life.Work is important,but should it be made as the major stake holder?
i like watchin T.V ,eating all the garbage that smells like deep fry and sleeping like a bear in winter .Yupe and i am lazy also,u wud hav figured it out by now.so i don't have time to think.
so if any one figures out the reason for the above mentioned Q,give me a call!!!
This is some thing to do with Indians or is it like this all over the world?Some times,this is
irritating for the fact ,that even some times i tend to ask the same Q!!!
Work is not the life,but a part of life.Work is important,but should it be made as the major stake holder?
i like watchin T.V ,eating all the garbage that smells like deep fry and sleeping like a bear in winter .Yupe and i am lazy also,u wud hav figured it out by now.so i don't have time to think.
so if any one figures out the reason for the above mentioned Q,give me a call!!!
Sunday, December 10, 2006
New office space

That is the view from my new office space.I wud have liked to include other snaps taken from my office,but due to security constraints(which i think it might be),only this can be uploaded :(
Any way we are moving to a the new office this monday and my cabin overlooks the arabian sea and the chennai fishing hamlet.hope this view gives me the inspiration to work harder?
will update later,regarding the first experience in the new office.I hope that i am not carried away by this new space :%.
Thursday, November 30, 2006
smack down moves
Man ,it is so easy to transfer blame onto some one else,even though you are part of the problem.It seems that in Indonesia,a kid died,because he and his friends practised moves shown in the WWE,show SmackDown and the rage is directed towards the Tv show.let me be the first to say ,that i extend my deepest condolences to the family that lost the kid.putting that asideI want to ask,where the heck were the parents?sleeping!! while the kids watched these shows.The fact remains simple,why did the parents allow this nine year old,to watch TV,when they know,it incites violence.let me put into this way,they allow their children to watch any thing,implying that they give the freedom,but they blame others if some thing goes wrong.do they not know,that all action(freedom) has its consequences.
it irates me,that bcos people like these,cos alot of problems for guys who watch it fun.and there is the generalization,we are losing our values.values are abstract qulities that we should practise and not points that we write down or preach.if they are not able to control their kid's actions,they should not have kids.If the parents do not take reponsibility for this,who should.
the directors of the program ,thousands of miles away from the kid,or the station,who run this show.
They make sure,that these show run late at night,so minors,du not have access to Tv and still if it happens,i assume,the house leader has lost his control.
I am not denying the fact,that TV show like Smackdown incite violence,but it should be on our part to allow the minors to imbibe the knowledge,between facts and fiction.If the current trend continues,then we need to ban all horror,sci fi,mythical movies.who knows,some day ,there might be a case,which might argue,that he lost his peace of mind ,bcos he watched a horror movie :)
A human
it irates me,that bcos people like these,cos alot of problems for guys who watch it fun.and there is the generalization,we are losing our values.values are abstract qulities that we should practise and not points that we write down or preach.if they are not able to control their kid's actions,they should not have kids.If the parents do not take reponsibility for this,who should.
the directors of the program ,thousands of miles away from the kid,or the station,who run this show.
They make sure,that these show run late at night,so minors,du not have access to Tv and still if it happens,i assume,the house leader has lost his control.
I am not denying the fact,that TV show like Smackdown incite violence,but it should be on our part to allow the minors to imbibe the knowledge,between facts and fiction.If the current trend continues,then we need to ban all horror,sci fi,mythical movies.who knows,some day ,there might be a case,which might argue,that he lost his peace of mind ,bcos he watched a horror movie :)
A human
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Religious fiasco
Does any religion preach,that murdering people,makes a difference?Or am i being naive ,when i say,all religions can co-exist as one entity,"HUMANS".Every one needs religion,at least once in is life time,to believe in something called Hope,that maybe things will be different romorrow.the very fact that we belive in our selves,to make a difference to our selves alone aleast means that belief in something other than pure physical body exists.Recent comments by the Holy Father about Muslims,has caused a real havoc in the middle east and his recent trip to Turkey,needless to say is the eye of the next Hurricane katrina.
It seems that this recent debacle about pope's speech seem to be politically motivated.Cos no religion teaches you to take to streets.Religion is some thing which you beleive in,which cannot be taken away by anyone and no one has the right or power to discourage or encourage you to follow andy religion.In that case,why does other's view make any difference.
The point i want to convey among this muddle,it that an empty vessel makes more noise.what is all this rant about?i know muslim friends ,who are far more better than my christian friends.I know that the previous sentence brings in a ,religious segragation,still my thought is that,it does not depend upon once religion,but on once's view on the subject.subjecting everything action on religion criteria is crap and should be discriminated.
Far or less,the fact remains that religion plays an important role in each of our lives and politician aiming for power seem to use this as thier weapon of choice.
It is upon us to make sure,that weapon does not fire its feiry bullets on us.
* All these thoughts are from my brain and I cannot be held reponsible for any insight
It seems that this recent debacle about pope's speech seem to be politically motivated.Cos no religion teaches you to take to streets.Religion is some thing which you beleive in,which cannot be taken away by anyone and no one has the right or power to discourage or encourage you to follow andy religion.In that case,why does other's view make any difference.
The point i want to convey among this muddle,it that an empty vessel makes more noise.what is all this rant about?i know muslim friends ,who are far more better than my christian friends.I know that the previous sentence brings in a ,religious segragation,still my thought is that,it does not depend upon once religion,but on once's view on the subject.subjecting everything action on religion criteria is crap and should be discriminated.
Far or less,the fact remains that religion plays an important role in each of our lives and politician aiming for power seem to use this as thier weapon of choice.
It is upon us to make sure,that weapon does not fire its feiry bullets on us.
* All these thoughts are from my brain and I cannot be held reponsible for any insight
Monday, November 27, 2006
Tangle with passwords
It seems to me that,my personal login id's are always an problem,for me.I do not forget my password,yet my some how i seem to lock myself out of my own account,by typing fast.man,that is exasperating>i type fast to get the job done faster,but end up waiting for another hour,before I can even check my mails.I can hear my Boss thinking,will this guy ever grow up :).
Recently,I had an experience .which will shed light onto the dilemma,that i get my self into,without any specific reason.Since I have a laptop,they come with an encryption software,for data security.Don't panic,I do not have any confidential content though.Well,i was operating my laptop using the battery power source and left it idle for an hour,so automatically the laptop went into hibernate mode.Naturally,i tired to relogin again.The is encrption tool is progammed,such that it will prompt for the passowrd,before the OS itself boots.
Now note this is my first login try and the account does not lock out,but denies me the permission to login also.Did i do anything wrong here,still i am to blame though :(
i lost two days cos of this.of all the day's this had to happen on weekends,denying me of any IT support service also.
This is not like the first time that it has happened and that is frustrating :$
Does this happen to me alone ,or is it normal ?
Recently,I had an experience .which will shed light onto the dilemma,that i get my self into,without any specific reason.Since I have a laptop,they come with an encryption software,for data security.Don't panic,I do not have any confidential content though.Well,i was operating my laptop using the battery power source and left it idle for an hour,so automatically the laptop went into hibernate mode.Naturally,i tired to relogin again.The is encrption tool is progammed,such that it will prompt for the passowrd,before the OS itself boots.
Now note this is my first login try and the account does not lock out,but denies me the permission to login also.Did i do anything wrong here,still i am to blame though :(
i lost two days cos of this.of all the day's this had to happen on weekends,denying me of any IT support service also.
This is not like the first time that it has happened and that is frustrating :$
Does this happen to me alone ,or is it normal ?
Friday, November 17, 2006
Privacy on the search page?
The latest news from BBC,that US government is requesting for information from google regarding search details by its users ,has sent warnings bells in my head.not because,i am afraid ,that wat i am doing might be revealed to the world.It is more about the principles maintaining the privacy of our thoughts. mine specially.I like to have all my stuff,my thoughts and my action secretive,it send me shivers down my spine,thinking that some one actual knows,wat i do on my PC,even if i am deemed as not harmful.
Does this affect the user.it will affect me for sure,cos it will make me think twice,before i enter a search string ,even though it might not be harmful.the goverment agencies always have a way of contorting facts to meet their requirements.Even an innocent search string can become a nail to your coffin.
will this affect the users from searching in the web for thier content?only time will tell.i assume that only when some one is caught or prosecuted,will the commoners on the net understand the ramifications of this request.Till then we need to wait and watch.It seems like a cat and mouse game,wherein we ain't jerry and cat[government] always get to win :(
Privacy seems like a thing of the past nowadays.previously,we needed only to guard ourselves against hackers ,now we need to guard ourselves against the government,elected by us to protect and help us,seems a bit ironic though.
We will have to wait and watch if google abides by this request or stands up and fights for its princples.
Does this affect the user.it will affect me for sure,cos it will make me think twice,before i enter a search string ,even though it might not be harmful.the goverment agencies always have a way of contorting facts to meet their requirements.Even an innocent search string can become a nail to your coffin.
will this affect the users from searching in the web for thier content?only time will tell.i assume that only when some one is caught or prosecuted,will the commoners on the net understand the ramifications of this request.Till then we need to wait and watch.It seems like a cat and mouse game,wherein we ain't jerry and cat[government] always get to win :(
Privacy seems like a thing of the past nowadays.previously,we needed only to guard ourselves against hackers ,now we need to guard ourselves against the government,elected by us to protect and help us,seems a bit ironic though.
We will have to wait and watch if google abides by this request or stands up and fights for its princples.
The latest news from BBC,that US government is requesting for information from google regarding search details by its users ,has sent warnings bells in my head.not because,i am afraid ,that wat i am doing might be revealed to the world.It is more about the principles maintaining the privacy of our thoughts. mine specially.I like to have all my stuff,my thoughts and my action secretive,it send me shivers down my spine,thinking that some one actual knows,wat i do on my PC,even if i am deemed as not harmful.
Does this affect the user.it will affect me for sure,cos it will make me think twice,before i enter a search string ,even though it might not be harmful.the goverment agencies always have a way of contorting facts to meet their requirements.Even an innocent search string can become a nail to your coffin.
will this affect the users from searching in the web for thier content?only time will tell.i assume that only when some one is caught or prosecuted,will the commoners on the net understand the ramifications of this request.Till then we need to wait and watch.It seems like a cat and mouse game,wherein we ain't jerry and cat[government] always get to win :(
Privacy seems like a thing of the past nowadays.previously,we needed only to guard ourselves against hackers ,now we need to guard ourselves against the government,elected by us to protect and help us,seems a bit ironic though.
We will have to wait and watch if google abides by this request and stands up and fights for its princples.
Does this affect the user.it will affect me for sure,cos it will make me think twice,before i enter a search string ,even though it might not be harmful.the goverment agencies always have a way of contorting facts to meet their requirements.Even an innocent search string can become a nail to your coffin.
will this affect the users from searching in the web for thier content?only time will tell.i assume that only when some one is caught or prosecuted,will the commoners on the net understand the ramifications of this request.Till then we need to wait and watch.It seems like a cat and mouse game,wherein we ain't jerry and cat[government] always get to win :(
Privacy seems like a thing of the past nowadays.previously,we needed only to guard ourselves against hackers ,now we need to guard ourselves against the government,elected by us to protect and help us,seems a bit ironic though.
We will have to wait and watch if google abides by this request and stands up and fights for its princples.
Monday, November 13, 2006
I am writing this in a really dull mood,the reason,is that i am not able to identify why i am dull.
I assume that it has to do something with me out to town,or drinkin too much wine cos it is easy to get :).This has got nothin to do with my parents,cos they don't restrict me from drinkin.my thoughts are compeltetly jumbled and my brain seems to stall every time,like old car trying to get started on a cold morning,with a dead battery.
Where do i find the recharge stations?i dunno whether my brain requires one,or my body.though body seems that it has all the sap required for working effectivly.How do i get my brain to work again.in addition to this,the place i am stayin as a temp of 8 degree celcius minimum,further fuelling my cells in my brain to sleep ,rather than to be awake.
i think i am blabbering toooo much today.it's time to walk back home.
c u guys later.well wen i find the strength to clock here again.
bye,gud nite
I assume that it has to do something with me out to town,or drinkin too much wine cos it is easy to get :).This has got nothin to do with my parents,cos they don't restrict me from drinkin.my thoughts are compeltetly jumbled and my brain seems to stall every time,like old car trying to get started on a cold morning,with a dead battery.
Where do i find the recharge stations?i dunno whether my brain requires one,or my body.though body seems that it has all the sap required for working effectivly.How do i get my brain to work again.in addition to this,the place i am stayin as a temp of 8 degree celcius minimum,further fuelling my cells in my brain to sleep ,rather than to be awake.
i think i am blabbering toooo much today.it's time to walk back home.
c u guys later.well wen i find the strength to clock here again.
bye,gud nite
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Split,it ain't a new jargon,or a technical term.It is damn gud place in Crotia,a european country.
It is really a gud location with the adriatic sea as its neighbour and i am thrilled to get chance to come here and work :( for a month,cos this is a tourist spot and the climate is damn cold at this time of the year.
i will upload some of the pics on my next publish,till then gud bye from Split :)
It is really a gud location with the adriatic sea as its neighbour and i am thrilled to get chance to come here and work :( for a month,cos this is a tourist spot and the climate is damn cold at this time of the year.
i will upload some of the pics on my next publish,till then gud bye from Split :)
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Nature and us
I had the oppurtunity or to be exact a eye opener ,during this diwali.I saw a Dog running away from the loud sounds of bursting crackers from one house,but to be confronted by the same in the next.We do know that Dogs are sensitive to noise and to c that dogsowners bursting crackers in thier own noise,seems revolting.THis is not an stray incident that describes our indifference to nature.bursting a cracker,produces a big bang,which one can get by hitting his own head with a sledge hammer,does it provide any adrenalin rush,or does it provide any purpose to have fun.I am not talking about the sparklers and swirling cans,it is the crackers used by the Big boys sheshhhh... if that makes a man,then i hope our world has a lot of less "men". :-)
We need to balance our activites with our nature,cos all that we use comes from nature.I am not a green peace activist or a nature buff,but to start with i need to reliaze that i am hurting another being for my pleasure.that is not warranted at all.
i think i conveyed my thoughts,here..i think cos while writing i was eating a peice of delicious cake,that needs no description....My brain just stalls while eating...
We need to balance our activites with our nature,cos all that we use comes from nature.I am not a green peace activist or a nature buff,but to start with i need to reliaze that i am hurting another being for my pleasure.that is not warranted at all.
i think i conveyed my thoughts,here..i think cos while writing i was eating a peice of delicious cake,that needs no description....My brain just stalls while eating...
Sunday, October 15, 2006
cops and politicians
Why do we have elections?It seems TamilNadu has lost it's democracy status!
any one with power can do anything,the exact meaning for a dictator ship.That is exactly,what happenend in the polling stations used for the local by elections.The opposition seems to blame the ruling party for instigating violence and the ruling does the same with more impact.The cops and the public are the victims here.How are we going to reclaim ourselves,from this pit that we have dug.We have given too much power to the political parties ,which seem to be concentrated on two main fronts.their brazen attitude to stop elections by resorting to any means necessary to make sure either they win else,destory the opposition completely.
have they failed to understand ,that they are also the public,from whom they have risen to the political clan.our hope lies with the juducial system now,to make sure that all offenders,irrespective of parties to which they belong to,need to be punished just,so that these actions do not happen in future.will it?
The judicial system depend upon the cops to impose their order,but the cops seem to be puppets of the politic clan,then who is going to save the public?
no wonder the poll turnout seem to drop out every year!i did excercise my right to vote,but still does it have a meaning among this chaos.
any one with power can do anything,the exact meaning for a dictator ship.That is exactly,what happenend in the polling stations used for the local by elections.The opposition seems to blame the ruling party for instigating violence and the ruling does the same with more impact.The cops and the public are the victims here.How are we going to reclaim ourselves,from this pit that we have dug.We have given too much power to the political parties ,which seem to be concentrated on two main fronts.their brazen attitude to stop elections by resorting to any means necessary to make sure either they win else,destory the opposition completely.
have they failed to understand ,that they are also the public,from whom they have risen to the political clan.our hope lies with the juducial system now,to make sure that all offenders,irrespective of parties to which they belong to,need to be punished just,so that these actions do not happen in future.will it?
The judicial system depend upon the cops to impose their order,but the cops seem to be puppets of the politic clan,then who is going to save the public?
no wonder the poll turnout seem to drop out every year!i did excercise my right to vote,but still does it have a meaning among this chaos.
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Does Democracy really work in India?The decision makers stay in high secure houses,with less or no people contact.They do make contact only in case of a Major disaster,i quote MAJOR here,cos it gives them publicity and a vote bank for next elections.Democracy ,is for the people,by the people,of the people.That is what i read in my school books.Have they changed it now?
The politicians form their own category of society,which does not relate to the common man,who indirectly keeps funding his expenses and his mistakes.it is like a runaway nuclear bomb,which keeps fueling itself.The major shift in the political warfare,that has happened recently,would be that,many people from the masses i mean the commoners,have decided,that enough is enough!.They have decided to stand in the local by elections as independent canditates.
Are they going to make a change,or will they be inducted into the political sociey ,once they start winning votes?Only time can answer that question.but it does answer on question,that people have started to take responsibility for their actions.that is a very good beginning, bcos,they have identified the source of all their problems.Indifference in their attitude towards society woes.
i hope that i tried to convey what i had in my mind,but i always seem to get lost half way through :-)
The politicians form their own category of society,which does not relate to the common man,who indirectly keeps funding his expenses and his mistakes.it is like a runaway nuclear bomb,which keeps fueling itself.The major shift in the political warfare,that has happened recently,would be that,many people from the masses i mean the commoners,have decided,that enough is enough!.They have decided to stand in the local by elections as independent canditates.
Are they going to make a change,or will they be inducted into the political sociey ,once they start winning votes?Only time can answer that question.but it does answer on question,that people have started to take responsibility for their actions.that is a very good beginning, bcos,they have identified the source of all their problems.Indifference in their attitude towards society woes.
i hope that i tried to convey what i had in my mind,but i always seem to get lost half way through :-)
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
LIfe's purpose
I am an average person,with average talent,does that mean ,i cannot make a difference to this world?I have a single aim in my life and that would be to make a difference to this chaotic world and enjoy the perks that come along with it :-).seriously speaking,how should this be done,seem to be my question everyday.Everyday morning ,i wake up with a void in my brain,that needs to be filled with information.Information that could lead me to achieve the one goal that i have.will it be achieved?only time can tell,but i need to put effort in order to achieve the same.It seems to me that i have resource and energy,but not the guidance.Guidance that helps me to ask the right questions and inquire on the right fields.
Does this thought look like a ramblings of an drunk guy,sleeping on a park bench or does it make a sense?I don't drink,smoke or even go after the opposite sex for that matter.Does it mean that i am a waste of occupied space in this planet.if i fail to wake up one morning,will it make any difference?excluding family members,its cos they are obligated,what about others.
It seems that for every person i meet,i delete five from my existing fnd group.I do not seem to understand life's purpose so do i have purpose,or ami just an extra prop,in a vast movie set,orchestrated by GOD.
I think that,unless i put in effort it will not make any difference.If u have a better though process to understand this,please comment on the same,cos i need some clarity ,which can be obtained,only by discussion with an open mind.
that's my 2 cents(paise).
Does this thought look like a ramblings of an drunk guy,sleeping on a park bench or does it make a sense?I don't drink,smoke or even go after the opposite sex for that matter.Does it mean that i am a waste of occupied space in this planet.if i fail to wake up one morning,will it make any difference?excluding family members,its cos they are obligated,what about others.
It seems that for every person i meet,i delete five from my existing fnd group.I do not seem to understand life's purpose so do i have purpose,or ami just an extra prop,in a vast movie set,orchestrated by GOD.
I think that,unless i put in effort it will not make any difference.If u have a better though process to understand this,please comment on the same,cos i need some clarity ,which can be obtained,only by discussion with an open mind.
that's my 2 cents(paise).
Monday, October 09, 2006
Life as it is
The world is a changing place ,with situations,speeches and articles taken out of context to satisfy one's needs.pakistan and India,two arch rivals remebered the victims of the devasting earthqake that occurred one year back.Newspaper reported to have found that UN relief supplies have been provided to many terrorists organisations based in pakistan.An organisation achieves a status of reliability,only when it is able to deliver on its word and obtain the confidence of the locals.That is exactly ,happening now.The supplies were used to help people to gain their trust and now they have recruited a lot of youngsters to join the religious schools,some as distant as 100 miles from their homes.US and other western countries allege that these religious schools train religious fanatics.Now the irony is that ,money is siphoned from western countries to support these organisation indirectly and the west puts in more money later to suppress these camps.
Who needs to be blamed here for supporting terrorism here?unless everyone takes responsiblity for their actions,terrorism is to live in the world.
Who needs to be blamed here for supporting terrorism here?unless everyone takes responsiblity for their actions,terrorism is to live in the world.
Monday, October 02, 2006
My TOEFL experience
Recently I had to write my TOEFL test in short notice,due to some unexpected events.i had three days to register for the test and write the same.As you all know,registering for the test on your required location is not possible,unless ,you book on a month advance notice,so i had to take the test in bangalore,Almaz S/W solutions.I am put up at chennai,so you can understand my difficulty.Well some how i made to the test location.i had to face a lot of difficulty to locate the test center,even though i had lived in bangalore for about two years previously.
To top it all,my test hung up in between,since i was taking a iBT test,everything was being monitored by the ETS Tech team.finally after 30 minutes
of frustration and anxiety,i was able to continue with my test :-) whew! man that was close.my TOEFL writing expeirience has been a eye opener,that things can go very wrongly.
To top it all,my test hung up in between,since i was taking a iBT test,everything was being monitored by the ETS Tech team.finally after 30 minutes
of frustration and anxiety,i was able to continue with my test :-) whew! man that was close.my TOEFL writing expeirience has been a eye opener,that things can go very wrongly.
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
why should i live?
Why do we(me specially) get up in the morning?this is the first questions that pops up in my mind.with great mental unstability,i wake my brain up to reach work.Is this the reason for which i live,i work in order to feed my ego as well as my physical body.other than that,work does not serve any purpose.does it mean that i am not different from any other wild animal with just five senses.A wild animal wakes up to kill,so it can feed itself to survive another day.i do not explicitly do not kill anyone,but if the situation permits,even that would pop into my brain to survive,but for wat is the question that still pops up. If my actions do not have any impact,for any one,then i am just a additional space occupied in this precious earth.Does it make sense,cos nothing seems plausible to me :-(
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
should we live?
Why do we(me specially) get up in the morning?this is the first questions that pops up in my mind.with great mental unstability,i wake my brain up to reach work.Is this the reason for which i live,i work in order to feed my ego as well as my physical body.other than that,work does not serve any purpose.does it mean that i am not different from any other wild animal with just five senses.A wild animal wakes up to kill,so it can feed itself to survive another day.i do not explicitly do not kill anyone,but if the situation permits,even that would pop into my brain to survive,but for wat is the question that still pops up.
If my actions do not have any impact,for any one,then i am just a additional space occupied in this precious earth.Does it make sense,cos nothing seems plausible to me :-(
If my actions do not have any impact,for any one,then i am just a additional space occupied in this precious earth.Does it make sense,cos nothing seems plausible to me :-(
Monday, September 25, 2006
My New Job
I was working for the past two years with an Indian MNC in Bangalore,and life was fun,until i started missing my Home.I am from chennai,born and brought up.Bangalore was a fun place to live ,but once my fnds started moving to chennai,by getting transfered or left India for Higher studies,i started to feel more and more lonely :-( .Then i decided to go for a transfer,but due to some reasons,i was denied the same.then i decided to move to a diff company in chennai itself.After a four month wait ,i got an offer from an MNC in chennai and bang i accepted it.
i find myself in chennai,travelling from my home sweet home,even though the travel is difficult,but every thing seems easy,since i am travelling from my house :-)
i am really happy about this change.
just though i would share my happiness with the world....
i find myself in chennai,travelling from my home sweet home,even though the travel is difficult,but every thing seems easy,since i am travelling from my house :-)
i am really happy about this change.
just though i would share my happiness with the world....
Friday, September 08, 2006
Caught in between
While browsing today's newspaper,I realized,that innocent muslims get caught in this new age war!
Browsing through today's pictures,taken at the recent blast in Maharastra,makes your heart bleed.Religious fanatics targetted a graveyard,to make their point,that destruction was the only way out.Even the dead are not spared.There is always a thought to associate these extremists to any group,which are visible,rather than hunting down these invisible enemies,who do not value human life,or the concept of living a life,worth some thing.
Should we punish an entire community for a selected few's treachorous act's.I view myself with my nation,rather than associating myself with any specific religion or caste.all religion preaches peace and love.only political cause,money and power can be attained by these means.
Also blaming the officials for all the bombings,or acts of terrorism,is absolute mistake.As one officer puts in "The terrorists needs to be correct only once,while the cops needs to be correct all the time".
i do not view any solution for this conflict,since man has already lost is innocence,which helped hime lead a peaceful life
Browsing through today's pictures,taken at the recent blast in Maharastra,makes your heart bleed.Religious fanatics targetted a graveyard,to make their point,that destruction was the only way out.Even the dead are not spared.There is always a thought to associate these extremists to any group,which are visible,rather than hunting down these invisible enemies,who do not value human life,or the concept of living a life,worth some thing.
Should we punish an entire community for a selected few's treachorous act's.I view myself with my nation,rather than associating myself with any specific religion or caste.all religion preaches peace and love.only political cause,money and power can be attained by these means.
Also blaming the officials for all the bombings,or acts of terrorism,is absolute mistake.As one officer puts in "The terrorists needs to be correct only once,while the cops needs to be correct all the time".
i do not view any solution for this conflict,since man has already lost is innocence,which helped hime lead a peaceful life
Saturday, July 22, 2006
First Reaction
If some one is reading this blog,then its cool!!.
This is my first blog message.It's weird since i am a software engineer for the past two years
but now only i had an interest in blogging.I do not know ,whether should i blame my work,since it is hectic
or myself,cos i am as lazy as a grizzly bear.i wake up from my couch to eat and sleep
If some one is reading this blog,then its cool!!.
This is my first blog message.It's weird since i am a software engineer for the past two years
but now only i had an interest in blogging.I do not know ,whether should i blame my work,since it is hectic
or myself,cos i am as lazy as a grizzly bear.i wake up from my couch to eat and sleep
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